Life After a Stroke: What to Expect

What hap­pens after a stroke – and which providers can help?

You have sur­vived a stroke. You spent a few days in the hos­pi­tal where you start­ed rehab. 现在,你回到了家——你不太确定接下来会发生什么. 

A stroke is a life-chang­ing event. 当你的大脑突然出血或大脑血流阻塞时,就会发生这种情况. 这是一种医疗紧急情况,可能导致长期残疾或永久性脑损伤,甚至可能危及生命, 因此,当你想到即将发生的事情时,从中风中幸存下来后感到困惑和不知所措是很正常的. 

There are many dif­fer­ent ways in which a stroke may affect you, and no two strokes are exact­ly alike. How­ev­er, there are some effects that are com­mon. 这里有一些中风可能影响你的方式,以及哪些类型的提供者可以帮助你克服挑战和变化.

The Extent of Dam­age and Loca­tion of the Stroke Make a Difference


For exam­ple, 脑干(大脑控制心跳和血压等功能的基础部位)中风会导致心脏功能或呼吸问题. A stroke at the back of the brain, 枕叶(控制视觉的叶)在哪里, may cause prob­lems with your sight.

A Stroke Can Have Sig­nif­i­cant Phys­i­cal Effects


  • 身体偏瘫(无法移动)和虚弱发生在中风发生的大脑一侧的身体对面.
  • Spas-tic-i-ty是指当你运动时肌肉收缩(弯曲或缩短), 导致肌肉圈变得僵硬或难以伸展.


If you expe­ri­ence these effects after a stroke, a phys­i­cal ther­a­pist can become your best friend. 你的理疗师可以引导你在锻炼中重新学习运动和协调技能,让你重新站起来. If the stroke has caused changes to your abil­i­ty to move, 你的按摩师还可以帮助你学习如何最好地使用手杖和助行器等移动设备,或者给你配上脚踝支架,帮助你固定和加强脚踝.

If you need phys­i­cal ther­a­py after a stroke, 预约十大正规赌博平台大全的理疗师.

Strokes Can Dis­rupt Activ­i­ties of Dai­ly Living

Your body relies on fine motor skills – the tiny, pre­cise move­ments you make with your hands, fin­gers, feet, and toes – to do every­day tasks, from eat­ing to read­ing a book to get­ting dressed. 有几个因素会影响你使用精细运动技能的能力, like aware­ness and plan­ning, mus­cle strength, and coordination.

A stroke can cause prob­lems with these fac­tors, 这会损害你的精细运动技能,让你在不多加考虑的情况下做你习惯做的事情变得具有挑战性.

与职业治疗师一起工作是恢复精细运动技能或学习适应永久性损伤的关键. 他们可以通过帮助你重新学习日常生活活动(ADLs)来帮助你在中风后变得更加独立。.


  • Per­son­al hygiene, like bathing and brush­ing your teeth
  • Get­ting dressed
  • Feed­ing yourself
  • Walk­ing independently
  • Con­trol­ling blad­der and bow­el function
  • Using the bathroom

你的职业心理治疗师也可以帮助治疗工具性adl, which involve more com­plex think­ing and orga­ni­za­tion­al skills. 这些都是你在社区里独立生活的技能, such as man­ag­ing finances, cook­ing, clean­ing, dri­ving, shop­ping, and working. 

Strokes Can Also Change How You Think or Com­mu­ni­cate With Others

Cog­ni­tive impair­ment (dif­fi­cul­ty think­ing, learn­ing, mak­ing deci­sions, remem­ber­ing, 或者运用你的判断力)和沟通能力问题在中风后都很常见.

These chal­lenges can be frus­trat­ing, 但重要的是要记住,这些问题会影响某些技能, but they do not cause you to lose any intel­li­gence. Your intel­li­gence has not changed since the stroke.


Your Vision Might Move Fur­ther From 20/20

If a stroke has affect­ed your vision, you’re in good com­pa­ny. Vision prob­lems affect about 65% of stroke sur­vivors. A stroke doesn’t nec­es­sar­i­ly cause com­plete blind­ness. For instance, 它会导致部分视野(你看到的前方区域)的损失。.

The good news is that, while you might not be able to entire­ly regain your vision, 有几种治疗方法可以帮助你补偿视力丧失. An eye doc­tor, like an optometrist or oph­thal­mol­o­gist, 或者一个新的眼科医生可以和你一起做一些其他的事情,比如扫描(训练你的眼睛扫描远离视力下降的区域)或给你的眼镜加棱镜. 


从抑郁到焦虑,从突然的情绪波动到变得容易生气, strokes are known to affect emo­tions and per­son­al­i­ty. There are a few rea­sons why this can happen.

这可能是因为中风影响了你大脑中控制情绪的部分, per­son­al­i­ty, and your abil­i­ty to inter­act with oth­ers. 这可能是由于中风及其后遗症带来的压力和情绪损失. Or it could be a com­bi­na­tion of both.

Regard­less of what is caus­ing changes in how you feel or behave, 行为健康专家,如治疗师或心理医生,可以帮助你在中风后保持精神健康.

Every­one has a dif­fer­ent expe­ri­ence after a stroke, 有些人会有终生的影响,而有些人则会完全康复. There’s no nor­mal” out­come. But there is one thing that is for sure; with the right team of providers who focus on your indi­vid­ual needs, you won’t need to go through recov­ery alone. 

Health Topics:

  • I enjoy helping patients maintain their health. 我也喜欢和他们一起工作,最大限度地提高他们的身心健康.

  • 我相信我们的身体生来就能在合适的环境中茁壮成长. If we eat well, exercise, develop healthy relationships with our family and community, and have meaningful work, we will have the best opportunity to be healthy. 我尽可能地鼓励我的病人对他们的问题进行非药物治疗.